Ok, so a few months ago when I first found out about Tumblr, I honestly didn't like it because I thought it was just a bunch of people posting random pointless things, the features were limited, and I didn't get the navigation part. Now that I've actually seen a lot more Tumblr sites and figured out the navigation aspect, it's pretty cool. I think it's gonna be great for social networking as well.
I've had this blog since 2009, so it's not going anywhere. I'm just going to be using Tumblr to post music videos and others videos I like, pics of celebrity hair and fashion that I like, shocking things I find interesting, random pictures, quotes, poems, and more. My blog here is gonna be updates on my life, career, opinions, and topics that require a lot of writing.
So here's the link to my new Tumblr page:
Be sure to follow,
Archive for 2011
MUSIC VIDEO: Pum Pum Shorts (Remix) - Mr. Vegas Feat. Teairra Marί & Gyptian
Ok so I had no idea that there was a music video for this song until last week! I was so happy I found it because I love the song, artists, and the music video. This song is a remix to a song that Mr. Vegas previously recorded called 'Boy Shorts'. I first heard the song on Teairra Marί's most recent mixtape 'Now or Never' (released on May 30th). SEXY!!!
Dance (A$$) - Remix Video By Big Sean Feat. Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj jumped on the remix to the hot hit single 'Dance (A$$)' by Big Sean featured on his debut album Finally Famous released in June. I love this song. Of all the videos throughout her career so far, this is the video where she looked the BADDEST and had the best performance aside from 'Superbass'.
Back From My Hiatus & NEW VIDEO: We Found Love - Rihanna
Heyyy everyone,
So I haven't blogged in about 2 months, it's crazy how time flies! I have just been living my personal life, taking a break from writing, blogging, interviews, and all that good stuff. As of now, I am going to be working on releasing my first collection of poems as an e-book in the near future. I intend to be blogging more now and tweeting more. I haven't tweeted since early in September. Anyways, I don't have anything too exciting to blog about, so I'm gonna share one of the coolest videos I've seen this year by one of my favorite music artists - Rihanna. The song is called 'We Found Love' (from her upcoming 6th album 'Talk That Talk' scheduled to be released on November 21st) and the video was just released about a week ago. I love the song, love the concept and visual effects. What I got from this video is that all love is not good, and can be toxic for you just like drugs in the long run. It's deep message that we all can relate to.
Peace & Love,
My New Book 'Looking For A Place'!
So, if you have been a follower of my website you know that my first book 'Looking For A Place' is going to be released either in the Fall of 2011 or Spring of 2012!!! If you didn't know, you can find out more information in this post.
My book will be released in E-Book format ONLY as of now. It is a collection of poems that I wrote from the ages of 15-18. Originally the book was only going to have 52 poems, but I will be adding nearly 20 poems that I wrote back then as well. So expect about 70 poems total. The book is definitely geared toward young teen girls, because I did write all of the poems as a teen. The book has poems covering many of the issues teen girls and teens in general deal with including first crushes, being hurt by friends for the first time, peer pressure, wanting more freedom from parents, bullying, thinking about what you want to be in life, and more.
A portion of all proceeds will be going to a cause(s) benefiting one of the world issues that I am most passionate about in my heart: bullying, domestic violence, female empowerment, poverty/hunger, education, self-esteem, cancer/other health issues, and environmental conservation.
My whole purpose in publishing this book is to just inspire young people from all walks of life to have self-love and faith despite the struggles they face. It's important to believe that you are beautiful and have worth, it's important to dream big, and it's important to be strong in every situation. I want to use and share all of my experiences to touch another person's life, so that they can have a better tommorow.
I'm so excited the upcoming release, and to be able to share that information with you. Until next time...
Nicole =)
Saying Goodbye: End of Doing Interviews, Start of New Projects
For nearly two years (2009-2011) I have had the opportunity to "live" one of my many dreams...doing interviews with rising stars and celebrities. Ever since I was about 13 I began to develop an interest for broadcasting (radio & tv music countdowns) such as TRL on MTV and 106 & Park on BET. Never in a million years did I expect to interview models such as Ayisha Diaz who appeared in music videos with everyone from Chris Brown to the WuTang Clan or Christa Elise who has appeared in music videos (ex. Money To Blow, 4 My Town, & Bed Rock) with artists on the HOTTEST and MOST SUCCESSFUL rap labels of our time, Young Money/Cash Money. Just this past June I interviewed Heather Marter, star of 'The Real World: Las Vegas' season 25, one of the most popular and longest running reality tv shows airing on MTV. Everyone I have interviewed has impressive resumes that all amaze me.
All of my interviews have brought me a lot of excitement, new opportunities, and best of all GROWTH which made the HARD (and I do mean extremely HARD!) work pay off in the end!!! My confidence in being able to succeed in broadcasting has increased, I have improved on sending out interview inquiries, creating interview questions, editing videos, and promoting my work. Doing interviews has allowed me to have many positive experiences, but there is a negative side to this field as well. Sometimes entertainers or their managers or representatives do no respond to interview inquiries, people will e-mail you expressing how they are interested in doing interviews and NEVER doing them, or some people will respond to inquiries agreeing to do interviews but end up not doing them once their interview questions are e-mailed to them.
A lot of people lack common courtesy or reach a certain status of success and think they are too good to do certain things. It is definitely hard work to research a talent's (model, musician, tv star, etc) background and work to create good interview questions and then they just flat out don't do the interview or at least communicate a decision change or other circumstances. That has happened countless times with rising stars and celebs who I will not name. The people who have not done their interviews, the time I have dedicated to editing and promoting my last few interviews done so far this year, sending out interview inquiries with a small percentage of success, the people who think I have connections in the entertainment world who try to use me to help them become models or get them mixtape drops from rappers, my hectic personal life, and a few other factors have all led me to my decision to take a hiatus from doing interviews maybe until 2012 or maybe this is the end. I definitely have no resentment to those who did not come through, because if something isn't meant to be it won't happen. I'm just tired of it, and all of those factors have sucked the fun out doing interviews increasingly over the past few months.
So now that I have explained that, let's talk about what's next for my future projects. I am working on publishing my first book (poetry) as an e-book in the fall or early in 2012. I am also working on starting two new online shows (one video and one radio) which will be based around music, entertainment news, current issues in the world, and many more things are both exciting and that I am passionate about. I am definitely going to keep my website Nicolepoetry.net and YouTube channel with most of my interviews up,YouTube.com/NicolePoetryDotComTV, and have absolutely no intentions of deleting them. If someone who is trying to succeed in the entertainment business really wants to do an interview with me they can still contact me through my website, I'm just not personally pursuing interviews at this time. Well that's it for now, be sure to check out my official website Nicolepoetry.net for all the latest news on me and for links to all of my social networking sites like Twitter.
I want to give a big shout-out, and have MUCH LOVE and APPRECIATION for everyone I have had the opportunity to interview: Ayisha Diaz, Paris Vixen, Neff, Cuban Luxury, Amanda Mandii, Stephanie Arakel, Miss Dade, Christa Elise Graziano, J Smooth, Charm Brittian, Tiffany Elizabeth, Kimmi K Smith, Diana Lee, Heather Marter, The Collins Twins, & Al Beauti. You all are sooo talented and have each enabled me to accomplish some amazing things!
I also must thank my younger brother Ant for his support, encouragement, and advice. Thanks to my friends, peers, talented rapper who grinds hard D Boy Automatic, Chris Royster the CEO of IMTM (Innovative Model & Talent Management), and all the people who have watched my interviews on YouTube and shown me love and support and even those who ever did me wrong.
YOU ALL have made it possible for me to live my dreams or inspired me to work hard.☺
Blessings ♥,
Favorite Hair Care Products
My essentials! :-D Most of these products I have been using for years, and can always be found on hand in my hair care items bins and bags. I like to keep my products consistent...if it works I stick to it. No matter what hairstyle I'm rocking, these products most definitely help me to achieve my look and keep my hair healthy.
- Nicole
***WARNING: All hair care products have varying results for different hair types. Consult with a reputable hair care professional for the products to best suit YOU.***
Destination: International
With summer right around the corner, a few days ago I came up with the idea for a new blog post. I thought it would be a cool idea to share some of the different places around the world that I would love to visit someday for vacation. Here’s my top 15:
1. Waikiki, Hawaii
2. Nassau/Paradise Islands, Bahamas
3. Kingston, Jamaica
4. Los Cabos, Mexico
5. Yasawa Island, Fiji
6. Egypt, Africa
7. Niagra Falls, Canada
8. London, England
9.Rome, Italy
10. Beijing, China
11. New Delhi, India
12. Brazil. South America
13. Sydney, Australia
14. Nigeria, Africa
15. Paris, France
I ♥ to travel and experience new cultures and people.
Have lots of fun in the sun,
- Nicole ;-)
P.S. What’s yours?
Nicolepoetry.net Facebook Fan Page
Please support my website and me by becoming a fan on Facebook! I just created it
two days ago (FFFIIINNNAAALLLYYY!!!!!!!!!!). The page will feature interview videos, upcoming project information, event news, and more.
Nicolepoetry.net Facebook Fan Page
"Like" it now,
- Nicole ☺
Favorite Reads
These books are some of my favorites that I read during my middle school/high school years mostly.
1. Kindred - Octavia E. Butler
2. The Rose That Grew From Concrete - Tupac Shakur
3. Like Sisters On The Homefront - Rita Williams-Garcia
4. Born Blue - Han Nolan
5. Triangle Of Sins - Nurit Folkes
6. Chanda's Secrets - Allan Stratton
7. The Harry Potter Series - J.K. Rowlings
8. The Coldest Winter Ever - Sister Souljah
9. Nervous - Zane
10. Black - Tracy Brown
11. Afterburn - Zane
12. Upstate - Kalisha Buckhanon
13. Diary Of A Mistress - Miasha
14. G-Spot - Noire
15. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
16. Mommy's Angel - Miasha
17. The Complete Collected Poems Of Maya Angelou - Maya Angelou
18. Foolish/Unfoolish: Reflections On Love - Ashanti
19. All I Want Is Everything - Daaimah S. Poole
20. Tears For Water: Songbook Of Poems & Lyrics - Alicia Keys
21. I'm Telling - Karen E. Quinones Miller
22. Caught In The Mix - Candice Dow
23. Ain't No Sunshine - Candice Dow
24. Flyy Girl - Omar Tyree
All-Time Favorite Songs: #4
1. So Into You - Tamia & Fabulous
2. I Care About You - K-Ci & JoJo
3. Lovers & Friends - Usher, Ludacris, & Lil' Jon
4. Brand New - Keyshia Cole
5. Have You Ever - Brandy
6. Killing Me Softly - The Fugees
7. Tha Crossroads - Bone Thugs N Harmony
8. Stole - Kelly Rowland
9. Why Don't We Fall In Love - Amerie
10. They Don't Know - Jon B
Celebs As Role Models

While it would be ideal (in a perfect world) for all celebrities to be role models, it is NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!! I could really go in on this issue, but I’m gonna try to keep it as short as possible. I’ll use Rihanna and Chris Brown for example ( two of the most famous and controversial R&B/pop music artists in pop culture today). When they both released their debut albums as teenagers back around 2005 as teenagers, they had squeaky clean images. Fast forward a few years later…they are now adults, explicit, and have a few scandals (heck many lol)

The Wild & Crazy Hair Evolution of Nicki Minaj
Nicki Minaj is definitely one of my favorite female artists of this time. She has been called “The Black Lady Gaga” by many of her fans. They both have unique styles (EXTREMEMELY unique at times), outrageous song lyrics, and don’t necessarily mold themselves into the image of the typical superstar. If you’re familiar with them, you know what I mean.
One thing that I admire most about Nicki is that she is a trendsetter with her hairstyles. She has had many different colors, lengths and even heights (lol) of hair since her career began years ago. Below are three of my top favorite of her hairstyles, and also the one hairstyle that she has rocked that I dislike.
1. The Black Bob Look
2. The Barbie Blonde Look
3. The Curly Streaks Look
As Charlie Sheen would say #NotWinning!
There are many different hairstyles Nicki Minaj has been seen with since she came into the game from blonde, pink, green, black, purple, to blue on mixtape/album covers, magazines, award shows, and other events/appearances. I have not been crazy about all of them, but this one takes the cake for the most disliked!!! She first revealed this look back in January while in London during promo for her multi-platinum debut album 'Pink Friday'. This is worse than that Wilma Flintstone orange hair she had at the 2010 BET Awards lol. Love ya Nicki, but I'm just saying.
All-Time Favorite Songs: #3
1. Rock With You – Michael Jackson
2. All For You – Janet Jackson
3. Take It From Here – Justin Timberlake
4. Anticipating – Britney Spears
5. Two Wrongs – Wyclef Jean & Claudette
6. Love For All Seasons – Christina Aguilera
7. Best Friend – 50 Cent
8. Stop & Stare – One Republic
9. Footprints In The Sand – Leona Lewis
10. Built For This – Teairra Mari
All-Time Favorite Songs: #2
1. Addictive Love – BeBe & CeCe Winans
2. Keep Ya Head Up – Tupac
3. Dem Haters – Rihanna & Dwane Husbands
4. You Got It Bad – Usher
5. Juicy – The Notorious B.I.G.
6. Ride Wit Me – Nelly
7. Again – Faith Evans
8. Selfish – Nsync
9. Hero – Kirk Franklin Feat. Dorinda Clark Cole
10.Love Me or Hate Me – Lil’ Wayne
Cool Perfume Site...
Hey guys,
I know this is a random post, but I've been busy and haven't had anything extra exciting or valuable to post. So, I decided to do a post on perfume. I'm a fan of perfume, and this is a great site to check out reviews of all your favorite perfumes by various companies and celebs.
'Til Next Time,
- Nicole :-)
'Lippin' Large' Lip Gloss From New York Color
So a few weeks ago I was doing some shopping at Wal-Mart, and couldnt't help check out the make-up isles. Normally I use lip gloss from the Victoria's Secret 'Beauty Rush' line and Cover Girl 'Wetslicks Fruit Spritzers' line. Now after a few years, I found a new FAVORITE lip gloss, the 'Lippin' Large' line by New York Color.
Let me tell you why this is my new favorite...
1. The 'Lippin' Large' lip gloss has 16.5 ml of product, while the Victoria's Secret and Cover Girl brands only have 13 ml of product. The packaging is nice too.
2. The 'Lippin' Large' lip gloss costs about $3, while the VS lip gloss costs $7/ lip gloss or 5 for $20 and CG lip gloss is about $6 for one. So, not only is it cheaper, but you get more product for your money.
3. The 'Lippin' Large' lip gloss is wwwaaayyy more pigmented with their colors than VS and CG, and the shine and color seems to last longer. This lip gloss also makes your lips look fuller.
4. Your lips contanstly feel tingly (lip gloss "conditions" your lips) and soft.
The only negatives about the lip gloss is that the print on the tube seems to fade some after one or two weeks, but I can live with that. Also, I love the candy smell of the VS lip gloss more than the minty smell of this one. However the positives DEFINITELY outweight the downsides to it.
If your interested in more info: More on Lippin' Large
P.S. My favorite color is Plum Tart. =)
* The online pics of the packaging, featured in the post, that I were able to find are kind of outdated so here's the new packaging picture I took...
All-Time Favorite Songs: # 1
So I figured a great new topic category (one that I've been wanting to do for a while now) would be one sharing some of my all-time favorite songs. Now these songs are ones that I've loved since I was a kid and some as I got older, but regardless of the new music I hear, nothing can take their spots. For now I decided to share 10 songs with you all (all songs are in RANDOM order), and will make this post once a month with 10 new songs. Feel free to listen to the songs, and share some of your favorites also!
1. What Love ? - Deitrick Haddon
* The only video on YouTube I could find for these song was of a group dancing to it lol, sorry! Will upload a mp3 and replace the YouTube video asap, but meanwhile, at least you get to hear it.
2. Differences - Ginuwine
3. Lifetime - Maxwell
4. No Letting Go - Wayne Wonder
5. Too Close - Next
6. All My Life - K-Ci & JoJo
7. Someday We'll Know - Mandy Moore & Jonathan Foreman
8. Someone Watching Over You - Yolanda Adams
9. Beautiful - Rachael Lampa
10. I'm Not Missing You - Stacie Orrico
Unreleased: Music Countdown
Hey guys,
So I know it's been 2 or 3 weeks since my last post, due to being busy and not knowing what to blog about. Until I come up with some more really great blogging topics soon, I am giving you all an exclusive post. This is a countdown that I hosted back in December of 2010, and after it got recorded due to YouTube restrictions and other factors, the anticipated release in January didn't happen. Below is the download link or if you don't want to download it you can just click the open option to view it on Windows Media Player, or whatever video player you use on your computer.I had sooo much fun hosting and I'm excited that I get the chance to share it with ya'll...ENJOY! =)
Part 1 - Hottest R&B, Rap, & Pop Songs of 2010 Countdown
* Part 2 - (The final part is not available for download at this time, but I definitely anticipate its release in the near future.)
NOTE: In case your wondering what the countdown was for, it was for my portfolio and for music lovers every where at the same time.
Anticipated Book...
Just wanted to let everyone know about a new book that I'm looking forward to reading once it is released in a few months. It's titled 'Priceless Inspirations' by Antonia "Toya" Carter, most known as the ex-wife of rapper Lil' Wayne (also the mother of his first child) and star of BET's hit reality television show 'Tiny & Toya'. It seems like Toya has definitely grown more over the past few years. Some highlights include opening her own clothing store in her hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana and getting engaged to successful business man Memphitz. I'm a big fan of Toya because she seems really humble and I love her style.
The new book is not a tell all as many were wishing for. However she is opening up about her childhood (with a mom addicted to drugs, etc), struggles being a single mom, relationship experiences, strength and more. Toya hopes that young girls and women in general can maybe avoid some of the struggles she encountered, and gain inspiration to strive for positivity in their lives from the book. Lil' Wayne also wrote the introduction to the book. The book is set for release on April 15, 2011, just 4 days before the season premiere of her new reality show 'Toya's Family Affair'(a spinoff to 'Tiny & Toya') on April 19, 2011 at 10 PM EST on BET. You can pre-order the book now on Amazon for $8.96: Pre-Order 'Pricessless Inspirations'
New Year, New Hair!
So I want to start my year off with a fresh new look. The look I'm going for is a shorter look that resembles two of my favorite celebs, Keri Hilson and Antonia "Toya" Carter. I love both of their hairstyles, but I like Toya's style the most. By the way, I am not ever dying my hair, just focus on the style! Which one do you think I should do?
My Favorite Skin Care/Make-Up Products
This is my first official post of 2011, my beauty must haves, yyyaaayyy! ☺ These are the products I have been using for years, and some consistently for a few months now. I ♥ all of these products, and plan on continuing use of them for years to come. Hey, if something works, keep using it. When it comes to my beauty must haves, I'm not one of the people who has the "if it ain't M.A.C., it's wack" view of things. I don't have anything against top/high end a.k.a expensive lines like M.A.C., Bobbi Brown and Dior. However, although I LLLOOOVVVEEE skin care/beauty products I refuse to pay more for a name when I can get products that are equally as great or better for less.
For example, for one M.A.C. eyshadow it costs $14.50! O_O However the Sedona Lace palettes that I like (check below), you get 88 colors for about $18-$20. There's no way I'm gonna pay that much for one M.A.C. eyeshadow when I can have 88 colors for a few more dollars. Now I have tried M.A.C. products before like the Studio Fix Fluid once, which is great, but I honestly don't see what all the hype is about.
With make-up on a daily basis I just use a little foundation to balance skin tone or cover up small blemishes, basically a light natural look. With eyeshaw I usually use one or two colors to match my outfit or at least blend with it. I use the mascara to help make my eyes pop. I also use lip gloss (my favorite!) for shine. I don't wear heavy make-up on a day to day basis. The only time I use a lot of make-up (full coverage) is maybe for a party, special event, something where I think it's necessary. The liquid eyeliner and eye pencils are things I play around with on days I feel like it. All of the products are very affordable, so check them out if you can. Enjoy!
NOTE: How good you look isn't as important as how well you are. At least to me, which is why skin care is my top priority. My skin condition underneath the foundation, eyeshaw, all the make-up is the most imporant. It definitely helps your natural beauty to radiate through. Anyways, my two favorite skin care products are by Neutrogena that I've been using since I was like 15 I believe. I've tried several Neutrogena products before, but these are my favorites. You can't go wrong with Netrogena, their products are always dermatologist reccomended, affordable, suit a variety of skin types, and most importantly deliver results!
* Neutrogena’s Transparent Facial Cleansing Bar For Acne-Prone Skin - $3
Neutrogena’s Deep Clean Invigorating Foaming Scrub - $8
NOTE: My first time using Clinique was when I was 18 for my senior prom. The lady who did my make-up used a powder foundation and I brought their Cherry Bomb lip gloss which was great (smell and last). I loved how they had make-up for all skin colors, their make-up was hypoallerginic, natural looking, long lasting, and made my face feel like I wasn't wearing anything. A few years after that I got into make-up a lot more, and switched to liquid foundation, which I prefer.
Clinique Perfectly Real Liquid Make-Up Shade # 48 - $24
Sedona Lace 88 Metal Eyeshadow Palette - 19.95 @ SedonaLace.com (3 picture views)
Sedona Lace 88 Matte Eyeshadow Palette - 18.95 @ SedonaLace.com (3 picture views)
Covergirl Eye Enhancers 4-Kit In Country Woods # 215 - $6
Covergirl Eye Enhancers 4-Kit In Pure Romance # 235 - $6
Covergirl Eye Enhancers 4-Kit In Tropical Fusion # 205 - $6
NOTE: Victoria's Secrete Beauty Rush line of lip gloss is my all-time favorite!!! One tube can last me about 2-3 months, the smell is AAAMMMAAAZZZIIINNNGGG, the shine ans gloss stays put for a long time so you don't have to re-apply it every two seconds, and the tubes don't fall apart. This is definitely worth the money. Lip gloss is my favorite make-up product to buy by the way.
Victoria’s Secret Beauty Rush Lip Gloss - $ 7 Each or 5 for $20
Covergirl Wetslicks Fruit Spritzers Lip Gloss - $6
Maybelline’s The Colossal Volum' Express Mascara - $6
Maybelline’s Eye Studio™ Lasting Drama™ Gel Eyeliner - $9
Maybelline’s Twin Brow & Eye Pencils In Velvet Black - $5 (3 picture views)
Wet N Wild Fingernail Polish - Prices Vary