There once was a boy who got the key to my heart
I thought that we would never drift apart
Now I’m just back at the start

He got the rare key through charm
Yet blindly, I let him cause much harm
Due to my blindness of his true character

Now this golden key belonged to a princess
Glowing with unconditional love and never causing distress
Which is very hard to find in this day and age

He got the key and took it for granted
It’s hard to believe all the corruption he planted
It was so much that I broke down
Due to the unbearable pain

Like the All-American girl tale
I experienced the rainstorms
All by the complicated thing called love

My heart shed tears
My heart sheltered lies and deceit
My heart was worn out by the drama
And the constant Make-Up and Break-Up Game
I even felt like I was worthless

Thinking about the relationship in the past
With the cold heartbreak I had
It still puts me shame
All because I gave a boy
The key to my heart

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